What's so Bohemian About a Bohemian Pilsner?


What's so Bohemian About a Bohemian Pilsner?

  • Matt McComish

This is a style that many craft brewers overlook when designing beers. A simple beer as far as recipes are considered with generally with one malt and one hop (Saaz) with a lager yeast. This is very challenging to brew correctly because it has such subtle flavors and nuances in this style any imperfections will be showcased. The lagering process is time consuming, and with tank space at a premium for breweries there is no time to slow down and ales are generally brewed instead due to their faster fermentation. But trust me, this style is worth the wait!   The signature Saaz hop gives the beer a floral and spicy aroma. Although this is not nearly as hoppy as many pale ales or IPA’s this style generally has upwards of 30+ IBU’s (International Bittering Units). The base of the beer is generally made of 100% Pilsner malt giving the beer a straw to golden color. This is a great time of year to seek out this style as it’s crisp, light, and refreshing, which is perfect for the summer months. The classic example of this style is Pilsner Urquell, but one of my favorites comes from Mother Earth Brewing Company in Kinston, North Carolina called “Park Day Pilsner”. Although the brewery does not use the traditional hop varietal, Saaz, the Tettanang hop gives a similar aroma and flavor profile. Look for this beer along with other great examples of this style at all of our local Thirsty Monk locations!